User Question

And answer:

I don’t have time to input my clients. Do you have a solve?

Question from Mary Reilly-Magee

I share your pain. Such is the cost of being an experienced implementer. I have about 300 sessions that predate the 200 that are now in the app. Since a lot of them were captured with paper and pen, there isn't a quick answer. They don't all need to be in there to use the app and get value from it. I'm doing it this way...


New Clients - start them in the app - life is wonderful going forward.

Legacy Clients that I am still going forward with - I prioritized them into a list of who I really need the historical info for. For me that is clients that are less than 2 years in. I have been taking the time to dig up early notes and put them in. To do this quickly, on the home menu you'll see an option for Legacy Data Input. Here you can just key in all the relevant #s without having to hand write all the notes in the session itself. You're just looking for data to drive the reporting.
Old clients more than 2 years or graduated - It is a when-I-can-get-to-it proposition. I don't need all the legacy stuff to facilitate their sessions. The only impact is the accuracy of the Practice Report when it is set for Lifetime Clients.
I hope this helps. Legacy stuff can be time consuming. I have the most amazing assistant in the world, who is not virtual, but even she struggled to key in legacy data. She just doesn't have the familiarity with the process and sessions. So that has been a time hit to me.
For clients that you can get a full picture on, it's amazing! They actually start asking me questions in session about their history. But some of this is just hard and slow!
LMK how you get on with it and please reach out with questions. I'd love to help it be as smooth as possible for you.