User Question

And answer:

Can I Exit a Session Without Losing Progress?

User Question from Joe Paulsen via his EA: “Joe is in a session today and we noticed that his last session notes from Friday didn’t get uploaded. Is he able to get those to me without messing up what he is working on today?

The answer is: Yes, you can. You won’t lose your progress if you exit a session you’re currently facilitating. Plus, here’s the best way to do this without losing much time at all.

  1. Exit your current session quickly by pressing and holding the prior or next module button and tapping “Exit Session.” This prevents you from cycling through all the modules backward or forward just to exit the session.
  2. Locate the other session.
  3. Without entering the session, tap the notepad-shaped button at the top of the Session Details (immediately next to “Edit”). That’ll bring up the menu to export the session’s notes.
  4. Presto! Head back to the session in progress, and tap and hold “Enter” to jump straight into the module you were in. If you’ve already started the module on the timer, it’ll still be running without a hitch, and your notes will be there waiting for you.